What is True for You?
The other day, I was having lunch with a close friend, and i was telling him that I would like to make a quantum leap in my practice to reach way more people but didn't know how to find the energy/time/resources. My friend knows that I already have a full practice, and he is an experienced entrepreneur who knows what it takes to grow a business, so he asked, "What is your motivation?" He is a wise dude and knows just thing to say to help me answer my own questions. I answered tentatively that I wanted to more fully actualize my potential in life. This answer was met with a disinterested "hmmmmm," and we moved on to another subject.
The conversation moved to several topics over the course of our lunch, before touching upon the topic of why I do the work I do. I found myself explaining that what really motivates me in work and in life is helping the world to be a more peaceful place. I said that peace only comes through increased self knowledge and self love. With self knowing and self love, we act from the wisdom of the heart. What I am passionate about is helping people to connect with their own heart wisdom. (I am paraphrasing here... there were alot more "ums" and "ya knows" in the spoken version.)
Upon hearing me say this, my friend said, "Do you remember what I asked you at the beginning of conversation? THAT is the answer I was looking for. An answer like that will almost ensure your success."
The reason I share this story is to emphasize the importance of acting from our own truth, speaking in our own voice and finding our passion. Whether I take a big leap in my business this year is not that important. What is important is that I feel fully alive and engaged in what I do, because that is what serves the highest good of my patients and myself.
Do you feel like you are moving from your heart? If not, whose beliefs are in the driver's seat? We can often get stuck doing what we think we are "supposed to do". We act on the borrowed wisdom of our parents or our culture that rattles around in our heads. And it is not to say that our parents' or society's perspectives are wrong... they are just not OURS.
I have a perfect example. This newsletter is actually version three (see how much I love you that I would actually take the time to draft three letters to you!?) The first two just did not feel authentic. I actually made my first attempt in January, writing about new year's resolutions because that is what you are "supposed to" write about at the beginning of the year (I decided to spare you the agony of reading that one!) Then, earlier today I started writing about upcoming Chinese new year, and the year of the snake, because that is what acupuncturists are "supposed to" write about. Although that is an interesting topic, I don't really feel connected with that right now.
Back to my conversation with my friend. I walked into the conversation feeling down and stuck. And I left it feeling energized and empowered. Why? Because, I was tapped in to my own truth, passion and heart wisdom. You have already shown that you are committed to your own truth by reading this far in the article. So now I ask you, what lights you up? Go do it. Even if it is a little thing. You deserve nothing less, and you never know what door it will open.